A commitment to Innovation and Sustainability

At Terra, endless possibility meets where science, agriculture, and technology collide.

A passion for innovating the New

We aim to pave the way for a new world of healthy and positive produce!

new methods!

Because we grow indoors, certain steps to grow no longer require those terribly bad pesticides!

New land use!

Being able to grow vertically allows us to leave the world a better place. We no longer waste vast amounts of land used for agriculture!

new Energy reduction!

Growing locally means that your food arrives quicker and healthier than ever before!

New growth!

Due to the lovely method of Hydroponics, our crops are able to grow healthier, greener, larger, and even more flavorful!

new speed!

Because we apply Hydroponics, we are able to grow our produce 1.65x faster than regular farming!

New things!

The possibilities in our research and development are endless. Because of this, we may even have a passion berry coming to you soon!

The science behind our success

water is the new dirt

At Terra, we imply the new technique – Hydroponics

Rather than using soil, we use clean water added with substrates and mineral nutrients, as well as growing mediums such as rockwool and or perlite. By doing so, we are able to grow produce effectively and simply with just water!

Food science is our way of cultivation

At Terra, we like to pioneer new approaches constantly.

This means that our wonderful Research & Development team will tests out new strands of genetic possibility for hybrid produce, daily.

From doing so, we’ve truly been able to provide a wonderful experience to our customers!

“Do not go where the path may lead, but Go instead where none exist, and be the one to pave a new way.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

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